Wellington Fault Trace

Harcourt Park Diagram, GNS Science
A great place to see the surface topography of the Wellington Fault, and how terraces created by the Hutt River have been affected by earthquake movements.
California Park, Photo GNS Science
The Wellington Fault is a major active fault that runs from Cook Strait, through Wellington City, the harbour, the Hutt Valley and beyond into the Tararua Range. Along most of its length in the Hutt Valley, the Wellington Fault follows close to the line of the Hutt River, and the surface trace has been mostly eroded away. However at this locality, it can be seen as an obvious straight scarp (slope) uplifted on its western side. The fault crosses the Hutt River and some adjacent river terraces at a right angle in this location, and it is possible to see how the terraces have been offset by earthquakes along the fault.
The Wellington Fault runs along the centre of California Drive. J.Thomson / GNS Science
If you start at the south end of California park, there are several interesting observations to make on a walk through the park, across the river and into Harcourts Park. These include:
1. The layout of the housing subdivision along California Drive with the houses built away from the fault that follows along the median strip of the road,
2. The surface trace of the fault through California Park,
3. The design of the footbridge to withstand earthquake shaking,
4. The continuation of the fault trace in Harcourt Park,
5. The river terraces in Harcourt Park that have been offset on each side of the fault, due to vertical and horizontal displacements of several earthquakes.

Park at Harcourt Park off Akatarawa Rd, or on California Drive. The best start is to follow the fault trace through California Park, and then cross the bridge into Harcourt Park where the river terraces create more complex features.

Google Directions

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Accessibility: WHEELCHAIR

Easy access from California Drive or Harcourt Park.

Active Fault Rock Deformation Landform Geohazard
Geological Age
Holocene. These features have been formed by several earthquakes over the last few thousand years.
Zealandia Evolution Sequence
Pākihi Supergoup: 5 million years ago – present
Where to explore the Wellington Fault (YouTube Video, 9m 43s) https://youtu.be/N3cDDFKaXdo