Geological Age
Mungaroa Limestone – Paleocene (Teurian), about 62.5 to 58.5 Ma (Hines et al., 2013).
Zealandia Evolution Sequence
Haerenga Supergroup (Submergence): 85-35 million years ago
Browne, G.H. (1987) In situ and intrusive sandstone in Amuri facies limestone at Te Kaukau Point, southeast Wairarapa, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 30, 363-374. [Detailed description of greensand bodies]
Hines, B.R., Kulhanek, D.K., Hollis, C.J., Atkins, C.B. and Morgans, H.E.G. (2013) Paleocene–Eocene stratigraphy and paleoenvironment at Tora, Southeast Wairarapa, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 56, 243-262. [Age of Mungaroa Limestone]
Homer, L. and Moore, P.R. (1989) Reading the Rocks: a guide to the geological features of the Wairarapa coast. Landscape Publications, Wellington.
Waterhouse, J.B. and Bradley, J. (1957) Redeposition and slumping in the Cretaceo-Tertiary strata of S.E. Wellington. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand 84, 519-548. [First published study of the area]