The Waipu Cove unconformity

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Well bedded Whangarei Limestone shows karst weathering, forming large pillars
East of Waipu Cove, Jurassic Waipapa Terrane basement is unconformably overlain by Oligocene Whangarei Limestone, with karst type weathering in excellent coastal exposures. The unconformity represents a time gap of about 120 million years.
Oligocene Whangarei Limestone along the Waipu Coastal Walkway
East of Waipu Cove, Late Jurassic hardened sandstone and argillite (hardened clay) of the Waipapa Terrane are unconformably overlain by gently dipping Whangarei Limestone, of Oligocene age. The limestone is about 120 million years younger than the basement rocks it overlies. The Oligocene was a time when New Zealand (or Zealandia) was mostly submerged under the sea, and limestones of this age are widespread throughout New Zealand. The limestone accumulated on the continental shelf, from the remains of animals including bryozoa, echinoids, coralline red algae, molluscs and foraminifera.
Look for the actual unconformity contact between the limestone and the underlying basement rocks - it is marked by a thin band of breccia (fragmented pieces of rock) and yes, you can actually touch this surface which represents a gap in the record of 120 million years. The limestone is mainly fossil fragments but if you look hard you may find a complete fossil echinoid (sea urchin), or a fossil mollusc.

From the car park at the eastern end of Waipu Cove, cross the small stream to reach the Waipu Coastal Walkway - there is a marker post. Follow the walkway east a short distance above high tide level - the path is obvious and reasonably easy to follow, but may be slippery in wet weather. Walk east until the gently dipping limestone is obvious (about 700 metres).

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Accessibility: EASY

You may get wet feet crossing the stream at the start. The track is adequate but not a well formed path. It can be followed around the coast to Langs Beach.

Geological Age
Waipapa Terrane and Whangarei Limestone
Zealandia Evolution Sequence
Waka Supergroup (Flooding): 35 – 25 million years ago